our blog


roaming nests... paris

Nest has been roaming lately....

Stop 1, PARIS

Anish Kapoor sculpture exhibit, Patrick Blanc's vertical garden and one of many bridges flaunting locks of significance!  Abundant beauty.  What more can we ask of a city?  There's sure to be Parisian chic in Nest's coming creations...






exquisite corpse

we recently donned white gloves a flipped through a few artist's books and exquisite corpse at Megalo.

so many beautiful things, so much talent etc etc .

shame if you missed it, there may have even been a nest contribution...



edible inspiration

Here at nest we love our food.

Cooking and collecting ingredients is not only therapeutic, but also provides a creative outlet.  When all else fails, food becomes our muse for colour, art and composition.  With the change of season, the colour of beetroot give us inspiration for a fabric palette, while the humble pear continues to take shape in many forms, including art.

Any excuse to eat really....

Roasted Beetroot, Walnut and Feta Salad

Homemade Lemon Shortbread

Beetroot from Farmer's Markets

 Pear and Ginger Muffins


bella vespa

So Nest went to a wedding...  Imagine the year is 1946.  The event takes place in Rome, Italy. The lads are clad in black sculpted suits and the lasses sport blunt bobs.  Transportation is chic - strictly vespa. Bella!  Enter 2011.  Sydney, Australia, yet hold that theme.  That's how the story unfolded on that sunny Sunday in March.  The lads, the lasses and the highly prized vespas... and so MANY vespas came to play! 


nest on cloth

Nest shapes start taking form recently at printing classes. Bowerbirds have hunted down blue pegs and are adorning these tactile linen tea towels.  Scribbled drawings on paper and using photo emulsion techniques, we learned to transfer pretty much any old sketch onto fabric.